Whether you’re looking for an updated family photo or to freshen up your LinkedIn profile photo—I’ve got you covered.
You know that one thing you’ve always just been drawn to? For some it’s singing, for other’s it’s organizing pantries (that could not be me—although I could eat everything in one, LOL); for me, it was always capturing simple moments through any lens I could get my hands on, be that a phone or your local Walgreen’s simple disposable point and shoot.
After the market crash of 2008, I never anticipated my parent’s surprising me with something as [at the time] seemingly costly as my first camera (it was a Nikon D5100 for you nerds who are curious). I know today that my parents saw the fiery passion I’d exhibit when I was behind a lens.
Over the years, that passion evolved and so did my work. What really cemented my desire to etch moments in time into long-lasting portraits was the experience my father had at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 while recovering from a bad case of said virus. I’ll never forget the fear of the possibility my father wouldn’t step foot in our home again. The photo below is, for me, a fierce reminder of the time we have with those we love and the blessings that time affords us. My work allows me to freeze those moments so that you can enjoy them for years to come. My most recent work also includes headshots for company/career pages such as LinkedIn. When you’re ready, let me help you capture life, love, and legacy in every frame!
An update on dad:
Today, dad’s much better. While he still struggles with some health issues, he’s a happy man who strives to live life to the fullest. He’s also the proud owner of that black 2002 Land Rover Discovery L3 behind him. He will talk your ear off about that thing.
Have a similar story? Feel free to reach out for individual portraits as well.